Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the unconventional marshmallow

via chik 'n pastry

I saw these marshmallows on Chik N' Pastry and I must say they have the most unique recipe I have have ever seen, color excluded. Cocoa powder and chile powder are included in the list of ingredients, I am intrigued to say the least. My only question, are homemade marshmallows hard and stiff or still soft? I kind of like the idea of a stiff homemade marshmallow. One way or the other pink marshmallows would be very fun for the month of February!

1 comment:

  1. I'm coming out of lurking to comment for the first time. :) i made homemade marshmallows as a Christmas gift for neighbors this year and they were quite a hit. I'm not much of a marshmallow eater myself, but these impressed me. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/homemade-marshmallows-recipe/index.html In answer to your question, they are quite soft and melt very quickly if you put them in hot cocoa but I assume that leaving them uncovered would stiffen them a bit. I highly recommend leaving them in the pan to set overnight rather than the minimum 4 hours, as this will give them a chance to stiffen a bit, which makes them MUCH easier to cut. They're super easy so I'm sure you'll have excellent luck making them.


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